Monday, June 30, 2014

Goal?? You never know where a painting will take you to?

I did this painting because 2014 FIFA World Cup is in Brazil right now. I am not really a soccer fan. But every four years, I will turn on my TV (now is my computer) to watch this amazing soccer festival. This year, I thought that if I can paint some cute animals playing soccer would be a good idea.  Originally, I just want to make it simple and easy. In the end, this is what it becomes. I am not saying that this is a bad painting, or I didn't work hard enough. It is just different from what I expect. I remember I asked one of my fine art teacher once, "Do you know what your painting will become at the beginning?" "No." He gave me this answer instantly. A painting is always like an adventure. You never know where it will take you to. I was just  a little disappointed at the destination when I arrived. After one day, my feeling got better. I realized that my love and passion of the sport brought something in this painting. After all, you can't lie in your painting. On the other hand, I had fun and learned a lot in this adventure.  Some of my friends love it,too. So, why should I be frustrated? Just be happy & keep going~ Ok! I believe this is what will happen to every illustrator. (And I think there aren't many people reading this blog so I can write nonsense words like this.)

Now, let's enjoy rest of the soccer games in this world cup!!! 

我其實不是一個真正的足球迷。但每四年世界杯的時候,我都會打開電視機(現在是電腦,高速網路與HD畫質萬歲!第四台業者吃屎!)觀賞這盛會,畢竟國與國之間的對抗真的很刺激!今年決定讓這兩隻最近很愛的角色參與這場盛會,於是有了這張畫。起初我希望它可以簡單而可愛,而這是最後的成果。我並不是說這張畫不好,只是它與我原本的期望不同。我記得我在學校的時候問過一位Fine Art的老師:「你在開始畫一張畫的時候就知道它完成會是怎樣模樣嗎?」「不!」他很明確的回答我。我總覺得每張畫就是一趟冒險,在完成之前,永遠不知道它會帶你去哪?我想我只是對於最後的結果與自己想像不同感覺有點挫折。這感覺其實持續了一兩天,但轉念一想,就慢慢放下了。我想我對於運動的熱愛與堅持,帶給這張畫很多影響,畢竟你是沒辦法在畫中說謊。我在這趟冒險中,學了很多,也有著很多樂趣,很多朋友也喜歡它!我想我該滿足,並繼續往前走。好吧!我想這是每個畫畫的人都會遇見的事吧?(而且我想因為沒有很多人會看這Blog,所以我才可以在這胡言亂語)


Sunday, June 1, 2014

Happy Dragon Boat Festival !

The Dragon Boat (or Duanwu Festival) is a traditional holiday occurs on the 5th day of the 5th month of the traditional Chinese calendar. The focus of most celebrations involves eating zongzi (sticky rice treats wrapped in bamboo leaves), drinking realgar wine, and racing dragon boats. 

端午節我想大家都很熟悉,這邊我就不再說啦! ^^"

I find that I am enjoying in drawing and painting these cute animals recently. So, it comes to this image that two animals are racing dragon boats for zongzi. And it is also fun to design these dragon boats made by paper boxes. I hope you guys like it and have a good holiday in this weekend!

我發現最近很喜歡畫這些可愛的動物們 (大概之前畫太多人了),所以有這幅他們在草地上為了粽子賽龍舟的圖。而且設計這些紙箱做成的龍舟也是很有趣的一件事,希望大家喜歡啦!並祝大家端午節快樂!